King Caprese

Let's get this straight, this is an easy recipe.

But I bet we've all had one or two Caprese's that was sub par, a bit "meh".

Pink tomatoes, dried basil and oil substitutions will do that to you.

What truly makes an outstanding Caprese salad is the quality of your ingredients. Only really consider making this a showpiece if your tomatoes are red, vine ripened by the sun; your basil is fresh and fragrant; you've cracked open that special extra-virgin olive oil you've been saving; and of course, when you've got a fresh batch of mozzarella calling out to be transformed.

This is it. It seems too simple to give directions to, but this is all you need to do, all summer long, with every single batch of mozza you make. Caprese Salad, like all simple things done well, never tires.


4 vine-ripe tomatoes, 1/4-inch thick slices
1 pound fresh mozzarella, 1/4-inch thick slices (Make your mozzarella balls the size of your tomatoes if you can)
20 to 30 leaves (about 1 bunch) fresh basil
Extra-virgin olive oil & Balsamic vinegar for drizzling

Coarse salt and pepper 

Take all ingredients out from the fridge 30minutes before making the salad for best flavour. On a large shallow platter, layer alternating slices of tomatoes and mozzarella, adding a basil leaf between each. Drizzle the salad with your best extra-virgin olive oil and season with salt and pepper, to taste.

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